I do think that would be fun to try! I love slower paced slice of life stories, and there aren’t enough of them outside of anime/manga. Plot driven genre tropes dominate fiction, but I get so tired of them after a while. They’re too formulaic, and they don’t allow for the character development I enjoy. I suppose it’s because fiction is primarily used as a means of escape, but I’ve been looking at it lately as a way to deliver important truths and universal messages. To have it be relatable to the human condition even if it takes place in another reality. Writing a diary slice of life story would work well for people who have small businesses, or who live in a rural community, or work at a bookshop or coffee shop, or keep a garden. Something that provides fun new experiences or interactions with others that readers would find interesting. That’s probably why blogs and Instagram are so popular -- because they provide a glimpse of another person’s life in a way that feels like fiction even though it isn’t. Maybe you should give it a try? 😄

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I'm glad you like the idea! I have never see it anywhere else, so I was curious. the connection to blogs and Instagram is really interesting - that's why we like reading them, getting glimpses of how other people live and think. Very good point.

Haha I have been thinking about a book concept like that as well as a writing approach. It would be fun to make a guide of how such a novel could be written (if it isn't anywhere else) and to try writing something like it.

Thanks for the comment!😄

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